In my opinion, the research I’ve carried out is in the public interest and, as such, goes far beyond my personal interests.
That’s why I wanted to make all my publications (books, articles and videos) available online free of charge.
I’m driven by a sincere desire to share knowledge that I believe is very useful for understanding our history, our origins and our beliefs.
That’s why I’ve made a sincere effort in the past to put all my books online in the form of articles, broken down into chapters.
You can see this for yourself by visiting the :
Or go to page :
However, like everyone else, I’m faced with financial constraints and a chronic lack of time to complete my entire project, several aspects of which are very time-consuming
I’m on my own to carry out all the tasks that this entails, while at the same time managing my life as a family man and my other professional obligations.
I’ve tried to use crowdfunding and rely on donations to try and make a living from this activity and be able to dedicate myself more fully to it.
Unfortunately it was a failure.
I’ve come to the conclusion that the only way for me to achieve this is to finance my activities in two simple ways:
The sale of digital and paper books and You Tube advertising once my channel has taken off.
I’m also hoping to find a reputable publisher soon, so that my work can be distributed much more widely.
In this respect, I am absolutely convinced that Volume 2 and each of its 10 books will arouse enormous interest.
In the meantime, I strongly encourage you to read the digital book, as this will not change anything in terms of its practical value:
Go to my Shopify shop, where you can download the digital books immediately after payment and where you’ll find all the links to the paper versions on Amazon. And don’t forget to support me by subscribing to my Facebook and Youtube pages!
Finally, please bear in mind that if I make significant parts of my books available on this site free of charge, and even some of them in their entirety for the time being, this does not mean that they are in the public domain.
I remain, for the time being at least, the sole owner of my copyright, and as such I ask you, at the very least, to acknowledge the fruits of my labor, as, for example, through possible quotations if you were to mention part of my work in your own writings.
That’s what I sincerely try to do every time I quote a reference author. You can see this in my footnotes and bibliography.
And so, as the old saying goes :
The French Intellectual Property Code prohibits copies or reproductions for collective use. Any representation in whole or in part by any process whatsoever without the consent of the author or his successors in title is unlawful and constitutes an infringement punishable by articles L335-2 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code.
Having said that, I hope you enjoy your reading and thank you in advance for your support in any way you can!