This video is taken from the book “deciphering the language of the caves”.
It introduces ten examples of major rock frescoes, deciphered using the proto-Sumerian ideographic and hieroglyphic languages. It also presents the first part of the first example of deciphering the book, that of the ideographic figure of the auroch in the Lascaux unicorn panel.
As part of my policy of making my research and associated publications (digital books, online articles, videos) available to the public, this section allows you to watch all my videos online on my You Tube channel.
There will gradually be a whole host of them!
(in chronological order of volumes and books in the literary series)
This article is taken from the introduction to Volume 2 entitled “The Bible and Mythology”, which highlights two religions, two divergent versions of the same historical events in biblical Eden, that of biblical Genesis versus that of prehistoric and ancient mythology. In its introduction, I provide a comparative synthesis of these two great original universal religions, their respective teachings and their major differences; a general synthesis which summarises everything that will then be examined in detail in this very large volume 2 with its various books 1 to 12. The video of this comparative synthesis is in two parts. This video is the first part.
This video is taken from volume 2 and book 1 entitled “Deciphering the language of the caves”.
It introduces ten examples of major rock frescoes, deciphered using the proto-Sumerian ideographic and hieroglyphic languages. It also presents the first part of the first example of deciphering the book, that of the ideographic figure of the auroch in the Lascaux unicorn panel.
It is taken from volume 2 and its book 1 entitled “Deciphering the language of the caves” and illustrates the fact that proto-Sumerian corresponds to the ideographic language of the cave by deciphering two frescoes in the Marsoulas cave (bison + signs), one of which contains a very characteristic pettiforme sign.
This video presents a short extract from my volume 2 and its book 2 entitled “From God to the Creation of Adam”. It gives you the Sumerian and hieroglyphic etymology of the name Satan, providing irrefutable proof that their Sumerian and Egyptian religious elites knew it perfectly well.
This article is taken from my volume 2 entitled “The Dictionary of Symbols”. Its aim is to help you understand one of the major meanings of the symbolism of the phallus, namely that it represents the divinised primordial father or father of the gods, by means of a sacred etymological analysis (Sumerian and hieroglyphic) and a comparative symbolic and mythological analysis.